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Nosso método que tem como objetivo um tratamento humanizado, eficiente e no menor tempo possível de recuperação de qualquer paciente.

Uso integrado de 5 categorias de especialidades:

  1. Acupuntura e  Moxabustão 

  2. Fitoterapia Chinesa 

  3. Ventosaterapia

  4. Dietoterapia Chinesa 

  5. Massoterapia Chinesa​




In this technique, needles are inserted in specific points of the body, they stimulate the circulation of vital energy, layered by the Chinese of chi 氣, rebalancing and energizing the patient's body-mind. Because of this, it is a therapy that helps in the treatment of various types of disorders, whether serious or not.

Acupuncture 针灸


São essências extraídas de flores que atuam a nível emocional encorajando o usuário a enxergar a vida e seus problemas com mais leveza e clareza.

Florais de Bach

Technique in which the heat emitted by the combustion of sticks composed by the herb Artemisia is used in acupuncture points or in specific areas. It is very indicated in the case of local injuries, inflammations or problems caused by Yang energy deficiency, in addition to also treating other types of disorders.

Moxibustion 灸艾絨


Com base nos princípios da medicina chinesa, preparamos uma fórmula fitoterápica com ervas específicas para seu caso.

Fitoterapia 中药


Auriculotherapy or auriculopuncture is a branch of acupuncture in which the points located in the ear are used to treat pathologies and disorders of the body-mind. It is extremely efficient due to the nervous stimuli in which they are generated through the insertion of needles or mustard seeds, due to this, people who for some reason, are not comfortable with the needles, can perform the session with the seeds!

Auriculotherapy 针 耳朵


It is a practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine that uses the vacuum created by special cups to treat various types of disharmonies in the body. It is currently being used a lot in the sports area due to its excellent results.

Cupping Therapy 拔罐


It is a Chinese martial art in which it is also a meditation in motion. In it, the practitioner works on harmony, balance, flexibility, internal organs, strength, inner peace and especially the cultivation of Chi (vital energy), because of this, it can be practiced by people of any age.

Tai Chi Chuan 太極拳

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